90 day reset

In the past 5 years, I’ve ran 9,124km and put on 6kg.

I’m now the heaviest I have been in 10 years. It’s uncomfortable and embarrassing and I find myself making one bad food choice after the other. I’m ashamed of myself for letting it get this bad.

I know I might sound a little dramatic. Seriously girl, 6kg, get a grip. But that’s 10% of my body weight and I’m 160cm tall.

I turn 35 this year, July 6. So I’m setting myself a 90 day whole life challenge. I’ve set out the rules, mostly pretty achievable as I’ve been slowing focusing on one at a time for the past month. Except the food.

I’ve re-arranged my schedule and habits to improve my sleep, Adjusted my running training to implement resistance training and pre-purchased some supplements based on research I’ve done around my genetic factors (yes I got my genome done!). I got my start figures with a DEXA scan last week and a metabolic test to make sure my nutrition for the next 12 weeks is spot on.

I’m excited to get started with a 3 day Karmic juice cleanse on April 1.

I’ve set rules and mini challenges and prizes for along the way.

Here’s my start stats (I’m so glad no one reads this!)

I plan to be open and honest about the struggles and successes along the way.

Tomorrow I’ll share the rules and guidelines I’m going to be following.

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